What is a Closed Rhinoplasty?

A nose job (or rhinoplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure with the goal of reducing the size of the nose. There are actually a few different kinds of rhinoplasty to choose from. Closed rhinoplasty is the most common type of rhinoplasty performed, and it comes with many benefits. It’s a rhinoplasty surgery that is performed through incisions around the nose. The closed rhinoplasty requires little or no external incisions, resulting in a much quicker recovery period and less visible scars post-surgery. Here’s what to know about the closed rhinoplasty and how you can benefit.

Closed Rhinoplasty Procedure

Closed rhinoplasty is the most common plastic surgery procedure. It’s performed using general anesthesia, so you won’t feel anything during the procedure. The procedure begins with your plastic surgeon making a small incision across the columella, or the visible part of the nostrils. Your surgeon can then sculpt and contour your nose to achieve your desired look. Cartilage from the septum, or dividing wall between the two nostrils, can be removed through these incisions. This helps to give proper support to both nostrils and enhance symmetry by evening out breathing patterns. Finally, the small incisions are closed and you can return home.

What to Expect Afterward

A protective splint will be placed over your nose after surgery and should remain in place for one week – or until your stitches are removed. You may then wear a smaller dressing for additional protection for up to 10 days. Although you can shower after your procedure, it’s recommended to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks. You can generally return to school or light work within 2-3 weeks of surgery.

Schedule a Consultation

Closed rhinoplasty is very versatile in terms of what results it can achieve. Some patients may have their breathing improved, while others may choose this procedure for purely cosmetic purposes, such as altering the size or shape of their nose. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, closed rhinoplasty can achieve transformative results. If you’re ready to learn more and meet with Dr. Salman Ashruf to discuss your options, contact the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery & Laser Center of Maryland by calling or filling out our online form.