As the nation’s second most popular cosmetic surgery, liposuction is the go-to procedure for those wanting to selectively reduce stubborn pockets of unwanted fat. Capable of removing up to eight pounds of fat in a single procedure, this treatment can trim the waistline, refine the under-chin area, and eliminate stubborn fat stores at the backs of the arms, the inner thighs, and more. Although liposuction is both highly effective and increasingly less invasive, it’s important to understand the requirements for aftercare. Getting ready for your recovery at home will expedite the healing process and ensure aesthetically pleasing results.
Immediately After Liposuction Is Complete
The effects of the anesthesia used in these procedures linger for several hours. This keeps discomfort at bay and gives patients plenty of time to get home and settle in. You’ll receive pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection and keep your discomfort at manageable levels throughout the healing process. To streamline your recovery, we’ll issue these prescriptions early on so that you already have essential medications on hand.
Bed rest is important during the first one to two days after treatment. You should avoid long periods of movement as much as possible. Following these procedures, most patients have small tubes that allow fluids to drain from their incisions. You may even be advised to wait between 24 and 48 hours before taking your first post-treatment shower.
Wear Your Compression Garments As Directed
In addition to prescription medication, you’ll receive tight-fitted compression garments. These help minimize the risk of blood clots, limit swelling and inflammation, and prevent other post-surgery problems. Your surgical team will put these on just after your procedure is complete, and you should wear them throughout the formative stages of your recovery according to your discharge instructions.
The Day After a Liposuction Procedure
The day after your liposuction procedure, the treatment area will feel tender and sore. Continue using your pain medications and stay on track with your antibiotics and all other prescriptions. When examining the treated area, you might notice slight bruising. These bruises will darken as the days go by, but they’ll peak and fade within just 10 to 14 days.
One Week After Liposuction
Plan on taking seven to 10 days away from work and your normal range of activities. You’ll need at least seven days of bed rest and relaxing activities before you feel well enough to move around and can do so without impacting your sutures or your treatment results. During this time, stay hydrated and eat plenty of soft, fiber-rich foods. This will make it easier to go to the bathroom without straining.
Wait a While Before Restarting Your Workout Routine
If you maintain a tightly regimented workout schedule, you’ll have to put these activities on hold until the doctors says it’s safe to resume them. You may be advised to wait one week, two weeks, or longer before engaging in strenuous physical activity depending upon the location of your incisions, their depth, and the amount of unwanted fat removed.
When you do start working out, take it slow. Rather than diving headfirst into your old, familiar workout routine, take short, comfortable walks instead. You can increase your walking distance, speed, and intensity day by day until you’ve healed completely. When in doubt, always contact a member of your surgical team for guidance.
Schedule a Consultation
Dr. Ashruf leads the surgical team at the Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Wellness Club of Maryland. We help residents of Hanover, MD, and the surrounding communities reach their cosmetic goals with arm lift, tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift, Smartlipo procedures, and more. We also provide an expansive range of non-invasive cosmetic treatments. To find out more or to schedule a consultation appointment, contact our practice today!